Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My thoughts on leadership - Part II

A good leader is is a good motivator. A leader can lead effectively if the followers are well motivated to achieve the set task. A good leader can identify a person's talent and encourage him to excel in that. This motivates the individual to be the best he can. In Krishna Consciousness, this principle is of paramount importance. Krishna doesn't compare one devotee with another, He is seeing whether you are being the best you can. Its always the sincerity that shines bright. Srila Prabhupada said "purity is the force." If the leader is pure, he can motivate others to become pure as well. It brings enthusiasm to others to aspire to atttain higher levels of purity and dedication. Most of the management theories are based on principles from sastras. They are just selling the points from sastras and making tons of money !!!

A good leader is one who identifies others who can lead. This is also important for a leader to do. No one is permanent in their position of leadership or any other position in the material world. So, traininig is necessary. A good leader can identify persons who show good leadership skills and train them to become leaders in the future. Srila Prabhupada also carefully trained and instructed his intimate disciples how to carry on the mission of Mahaprabhu. He always said that his time was short. That showed his renunciation, he was always aware of the temporal nature of things in the material creation. But that didn't stop him from endeavouring to do his best as a leader during the period of his manifest pastimes on earth. Since we are impermanent in this world, a leader who realises it and has the best intrests of the organization at heart, will train others so that everything runs smoothly just as always or even better.

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