Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bhakta Gaurahari blessed by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The material world is a sad place..

Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that the material world is dukhalayam asasvatam, and we nod our heads and say, yes, I know that AND do nothing about it. We have been going through this process since time immemorial and still haven't learned our lesson. How wonderful is the influence of Mahamaya Devi ! Hats off to you mataji ! You are the best !

What brings me this realization on this fine and wonderful April morning is something that happened yesterday. I had a meeting at work with some people in the afternoon. As everyone knows, there are good meetings and then there are bad meetings. Yesterday's one was slanting more towards the bad end of things - so to say. The guy begins with a verbal attack on me, then transfers the attack to his own subordinate. I always remember something that Jayadvaita Maharaja once told me "defending is an animalistic tendency and I don't like to do it". Whenever I have to defend myself for anything, I always remember him. Thank you Maharaja for that wonderful instruction. So, I kept my defense to a minimum. I was thinking in my mind, "poor guy, he has got up on the wrong side of the bed today, or maybe he is always like this. Pity his poor wife. What sanga she must be having with this gentleman ! Then, he again started a new attack on a technical point and since he was not an engineer and in my team I had my project engineer, he was told off politely that he was absolutely wrong. This put an end to his attacks and the meeting could be rounded off quite cordially. I was happy that the engineer could quote from his "sastra" and break the unfounded argument by someone, even though highly qualified in his own field, was not an expert in the engineering domain.

The lessons I learnt yesterday were many.

People will give you hell, however you try to avoid it ! (dukhalayam asasvatam)

If we are well versed in our sastra as my engineer friend was in his "sastra" we can refute any whimsical theory put forward by others. (je krsna tattva vitta sei guru haya)

Defending is an animalistic tendency. (aahara nidra bhaya maithunam ca )