Sunday, November 12, 2006

An appeal that goes straight to your heart......

I found this appeal very inspiring to me personally. In case you feel the same way, maybe you can also do something.....
My dear devotee friend,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Over seventy students are participating in this year's Bhakti-sastri andBhaktivaibhava Courses and everyone is excited about the refinements andenhancements we have implemented in these courses. (Please view our newsletter
As we witness these developments, Srila Prabhupada's words come to us:
"Throughout the whole world there is no institution to impart education inthe matter of spiritual understanding. So we are going to open a big center in Mayapur where this education will be internationally imparted. Students from all parts of the world will go there to take education in this important subject."
It's been hard work getting to where we are today, but we are beginning tosee Srila Prabhupada\'s dream realized.
Along the way, meeting the needs of our students in the best way we can isalways a challenge. But, today I face a challenge that goes beyond the reachof our team in Mayapur.On my desk in front of me is a list of 20 devotees, whom we have admittedinto our courses even though they lacked the funds to cover the courseservice charges.
Like Ram Kumar.
Ram Kumar has completed his studies in the Sri Mayapur International School,and is now eager to study Srila Prabhupada's books in-depth in the MIHETBhakti-sastri Course. Since arriving in Mayapur at 5 years old, Ram Kumar's poor family from near Delhi has depended on scholarship funds for his education.
In the last 10 years, he has made great progress, determined to be a devotee in ISKCON. Bhakti-sastri is the natural next step for him, but we still must find the money to cover his fees. Here at the Mayapur Institute we work hard to keep service charges at a minimum. We are so very fortunate to have wonderful teachers and staff who contribute hours upon hours of voluntary service. Through these efforts,last year we were able to accommodate a limited number of scholarships for needy students.But this year, the demand is much more and the fundraisingwe planned was disrupted by the flooding in Mayapur.

We also have many devotees applying for scholarships for the upcoming GauraPurnima Courses and we want to facilitate their sincere desires to increasetheir services to Srila Prabhupada's movement.
These students and the MIHET need your help, and we've come up with a simple way for you to participate through the Mayapur Institute Annual Fund with a range of membership levels beginning from just $25. Through the Annual Fund, you have the opportunity to provide both scholarship funding for deserving students and to help keep the administrative service charges low by bridging the gap between these service charges and the actual costs. Educational institutions throughout the world depend on public support andthe Mayapur Institute is no exception. With the start of the Annual Fund we hope to begin a vibrant and dynamic relationship with you as both a friend and supporter working together to ensure both the growth and sustainabilityof the Institute.
As a token of my appreciation for your help, I will be very happy to send you our new set of Mayapur Institute Bhakti-sastri Sloka Cards - with many of the important slokas Srila Prabhupada regularly used in his preaching.
And, if you can find a way to contribute more than the basic $25 membership, I've arranged for a variety of additional benefits which you'll find on our online donation form.I'm especially hopeful that you will find it within your means to join at the $108 level or more. With this level of your support, I can take care of at least one scholarship for someone on the list in front of me. And, I will have the great pleasure of sharing with you my appreciation by sending youy our choice of either a copy of Bhurijan prabhu's excellent Bhagavad-Gitastudy guide - "Surrender Unto Me" or our exclusive set of Bhaktivaibhava sloka cards.
Please take a minute to contribute online t fund. Whatever amount, large or small, will make a significant difference in the lives of our students.
And, while you are there please explore the newly designed web site to learn about our upcoming course offerings and new developments.Thank you for taking the time to hear about this new opportunity.
I hope you can respond as soon as possible so that these wonderful educational opportunities can be made available to deserving devotees regardless of their financial situations.
From Ram Kumar and all our other scholarship applicants, and from the MIHET staff, teachers and me - thank you for your support. And may Sri Pancha-tattva shower you with Their blessings.
Your servant,
Janmastami dasa

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