Monday, December 31, 2007
A year gone by....
Looking from the vedic perspective, it isn't much. Each day gone by is basically one day closer to the end of our existence in the present body, that's all. Its nothing to get excited about. In the never stopping cycle of time, what significance can a year have ! Supreme Lord Krishna is the only master of Kala or eternal time. The present age, Kali yuga itself is 432,000 years and the catur-yuga cycle is 4,320,000 years ! One day of Brahma, the secondary creator, is 1000 yuga cycles long ! Brahma lives for 100 years based on the 1000 yuga cycle a day calculation. So, time is relative . What seems a long time for us is just normal for Lord Brahma. And this Brahma's lifetime is but a blink of the eye for the Supreme Lord !
So, new year or old year, let us resolve to chant better and become better devotees. We don't want another "new" material body, do we ?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Unlimited !!!
moksha-kaama udaara-dhih
tivrena bhakti-yogena
yajeta purusham param
"Whether one is without desire [the condition of the devotees], or is desirous of all fruitive results, or is after liberation, one should with all efforts try to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead for complete perfection, culminating in Krishna Consciousness." [Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.10]
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The festival season...
Once the season goes past as it always does, we realize that the things we did during the holiday season does not remain with us, the happiness was fleeting at best. More often than not, there will be some incident, something that came in the way of that fleeting feeling even. The fact remains that no amount of buying can make us happy.
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In this holiday season ISKCON does something wonderful. Its the Prabhupada book marathon season ! Devotees around the world engage in distributing Srila Prabhupada's books during this month with extra enthusiasm. As the holiday season is a time for people to "buy", the book distributors give them an opportunity to buy and gift something of enduring value - like a Bhagavad Gita. Anybody purchasing such a literature will receive the gift of their lifetime ! Its wonderful for both the distributor and the buyer.
Srila Prabhupada transcendental book marathon ki jai !!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The right verse for 07/07/07
On 7/7/07, on my way to work, I had a brush with destiny, so to say. I was driving to the office and was passing through a narrow, crowded street. A vehicle was parallel-parked literally on the middle of the already narrow passage and I had to maneuver my car around it to go ahead. There was a man standing by this vehicle, also on the middle of the road. I passed the man and the vehicle and heard a sound - glass breaking. I braked immediately and noticed that my side view mirror is gone. I assumed that I had brushed the vehicle parked on the road. I picked up my broken mirror and walked towards the other vehicle, only to find the man standing there, his hand bleeding. His hand had hit the mirror and the glass had cut his hand. I immediately apologised to him and offered to take him to the hospital. By this time, a small crowd built up around us immediately and within seconds, a police patrol vehicle came. There were making their regular rounds, I guess. The policemen came out, questioned me, questioned the other gentleman and was speaking on their radio. Within a couple of minutes, a second police car came and the first police car left. By then, I had to make a phone call as I was to attend a meeting.By now, it was obvious to me that I will not make it. When I started speaking on the phone, the police guy got upset and told me to get inside the squad car and sit there. By then, the ambulance also came. They checked the man and took him with them. In the meantime, a third police car came. Apparently, this was the car from the investigation department. I went through the whole thing again, giving my statement and explaining exactly what happened. They told me to follow them in my car to the department which I dutifully did. In there, the police man (he was very nice and cordial by the way) told me that they will have to make me wait there till they get the clearance from the hospital that the man is alright. It took almost 3 hours of waiting and I was finally allowed to go. In the evening, I opened the folio, went to the bookmark where I had left off reading Srimad Bhagavatam and came across this verse !!!! Read on..... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The following verse is spoken by Vamanadeva to King Bali. yadrcchayopapannena TRANSLATION SB 8.19.25 |
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Absolutely spot on for me ! What do you think ??
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Advanced in devotional service
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It is interesting to note how Srila Prabhupada speaks about the "little advanced" person as a "jnani". Therefore, we can safely conclude that this knowledge platform is definitely not the highest or the best. In the same sentence, Prabhupada also speaks about "jnana-misra-bhakti". Even this stage is far from the pure stage of love of Godhead. Only an advanced devotee can understand the Lord - Prabhupada says. So, we find that advanced devotees are very merciful. They have understood Krishna. So, they try to give us that understanding. No wonder, Srila Prabhupada so frequently remarked, "what is the difficulty ?" . For somebody who has understood Krishna, it is frustrating that others cannot understand the simple truth which is also the supreme truth !!! The truth that Krishna is "sarvaysa prabhuh". Krishna is "sarva-karana-karanam". Krishna is our eternal loving father - "suhrdam sarva bhutanam" - as we advance in bhakti, we will be able to comprehend these things better. Right now our comprehension is at a next to nothing level. Its a long journey ahead, but we have the Lord's Holy Names for keeping us company. What more is needed ? The opportunity to serve the Lord's holy name is the only thing required and all the rest will be automatically fulfilled. That is why someone like nama-acharya Haridas Thakur - very very devotionally advanced, was literally living on the holy name.
In conclusion, advanced devotees are wonderful people, because they are advanced. We can take inspiration from them and become more serious in our own devotional lives. Krishna is giving mercy equally to everyone, it just depends on the receiver how he uses it. Just like the rain is falling everywhere equally, but the rock doesn't produce anything whereas the soil produces vegetation. Lets not be rock-hearted and refuse to become devotees, lets be receptive to the mercy, accept it gratefully and exploit it to advance in devotional life... Hare Krishna !!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mercy of Guru and Gauranga !!!
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"Prabhu, I need mercy", is something we often say and hear in our lives. Everyone needs mercy, without which we cannot progress in our spiritual lives. So, even a little bit of mercy from a kind vaisnava could make a very big difference in our lives. If our lives have changed at least to this extent today, its because of the mercy of some vaisnava. Someone was merciful enough to take us to a program !!! That, I feel, is the essence of spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Now that we have received the mercy, we know what its like to be blissful. Whether we are really blissful - thats another discussion altogether. But in ISKCON, we are taught and shown the way - how to become blissful. The process in itself is very simple and straightforward. We just have to practice it correctly and we can become totally blissful. Of that, there is no doubt.
Coming back to mercy - we have received it, so now its our turn to ensure that others receive it also. This is the way to spread Mahaprabhu's sankirtan movement. If we are convinced of the nectarian mellows of Krishna Consciousness, then we should share it with others, because good things get better when its shared. So, lets share it !!!
The mercy of Guru and Krishna is flowing incessantly. It comes to us through the Guru - meaning Guru Parampara. So, if we act in a way that will please our spiritual master, Krishna gets pleased automatically and we receive the grace of the Lord. Its actually that simple !!! If only we would learn to do the simple things perfectly....
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
My thoughts on leadership - Part II
A good leader is one who identifies others who can lead. This is also important for a leader to do. No one is permanent in their position of leadership or any other position in the material world. So, traininig is necessary. A good leader can identify persons who show good leadership skills and train them to become leaders in the future. Srila Prabhupada also carefully trained and instructed his intimate disciples how to carry on the mission of Mahaprabhu. He always said that his time was short. That showed his renunciation, he was always aware of the temporal nature of things in the material creation. But that didn't stop him from endeavouring to do his best as a leader during the period of his manifest pastimes on earth. Since we are impermanent in this world, a leader who realises it and has the best intrests of the organization at heart, will train others so that everything runs smoothly just as always or even better.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
My thoughts on leadership...
A leader must be able to carry his followers along the path forward. For this, there is a simple and straightforward way. He must be exemplary in his actions. Look at His Divine Grave A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He is extraordinary personality, but a closer look will reveal exemplary leadership qualities. The ability to unite people from all backgrounds and cultures and "build a house where the whole world could live" is no mean feat. There is no doubt that the underlying principle of Krishna Consciousness is the unifying factor. But it required a leader, an acharya in this case, to unite the whole world. An acharya is one who teaches by example. A great leader is also one who leads by example.
A good leader also has vision. When I say, I mean long-term vision. He must be able to see the bigger picture. Like Srila Prabhupada said "I always think big, I can only think that way." When we say think big, it means we are thinking of growth. Today, we are, say, 100 people. A good leader is one who thinks about the needs of a 1000 people already !!! Any manager can manage the existing 100, but it takes someone with vision to see the needs of a 1000 people when only 100 are present today. The leader's vision therefore dictates his mission as well. His mission will closely follow his vision. Therefore, mission without vision is just plain day-to-day management. A leader must think of the future while managing the present through delegation.
These are some of the thoughts for today. More later......
Sunday, April 29, 2007
(by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)
My dear mind, why are you so proud of being a Vaisnava? Your solitary worship and chanting of the holy name of the Lord are based on a desire for cheap popularity, and therefore your chanting of the holy name is only a pretension. Such an ambition for a cheap reputation can be compared to the stool of a hog, because such popularity is another extension of the influence of maya.*
My dear mind, while making a show of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in a solitary place, you are simply meditating day and night about enjoying beautiful women and accumulating more wealth. What spiritual value does your solitary chanting have? On the pretext of performing solitary worship you are actually entangled in temporary material activities!
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad was a "simha-guru". He was known for his strong preaching style. This verse is an example of how strong an Acharya can get. Note the use of words ' stool of a hog', considering the fact that the hog itself is a very unclean animal and stool of a hog represents a very very pitiable condition indeed.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Control in Varnasrama dharma system
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
About the mind and the senses.......
Monday, April 23, 2007
Avoid the gravest danger........
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Yoga at the Speed of Light
By Linda Johnsen
Courtesy & copyright Yoga International
Gajendra's prayers
Saturday, April 21, 2007
...then your Guru Maharaja will be glorified."
from " A Transcendental Diary Vol. 1" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu